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Pachod na Frankfurt (March to Frankfurt)

Drinking song, Maciej Stryjkowski, 16 c. Lyrics and music remakes by Zmicier Sasnouski.s Actual English translation by Alena Martsyanava and Volya Dzemka.

Pa-nad Niomnam u Harodni
Zamak uzvyšaje,
Kniaź Davyd rychtuje zbroju,
Vieršnikaŭ zbiraje.
Praz čužyja krajavidy
Mčali da Frankfurta,
Niemcaŭ vajary Davyda
Pierabili chutka.

Zadavoliena palonam
Kniaskaja družyna,
Tysiač piać niamieckich frojlian
Padzialili žyva.
Alie niejak dva litvina
Svarku raspalili,
Najpryhožuju dziaŭčynu
Miž saboj dzialili.
Nie zmahli pryjsci da zhody
Mirnym hodnym čynam,
Pieršy vyrvaŭ mieč iz pochvaŭ
I rassiek dziaŭčynu.
I pramoviŭ, što nia varta
Torhać niemku tuju.
Padzialiŭ jaje na častki:
“Vybiraj liubuju!”
Actual English translation:
In Harodnya, the castle
Rises over the Nieman river.
David the Duke arms up
And gathers his riders.
Through foreign lands
They rushed to Frankfurt,
And the Germans were defeated quickly
By David’s men.
The Duke’s army  
Is happy with the captives!
Five thousand German women
Were promptly shared.
But two Litvins at some moment
Started an argument: 
Which one of them
Will get the prettiest girl?
They couldn’t settle
Their dispute peacefully,
So one of them pulled the sword out
And cut the girl in half.
Then he said: “Brother, we’d rather
Not touch that German woman!
Now each one of us can have
A part of her, pick any.”
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