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Ruža-kvietka (The Rose Flower)

Belarusian folk song.

Jak vaźmu ja ružu kvietku
Dy pušču na vodu
Plyvi plyvi ruža kvietka
Da samoha brodu
Plyla plyla ruža kvietka
Dy stala krucicca
Vyjšla maci vodu braci
Pačala dzivicca
Oj ty maja ruža kvietka
Čamu ž ty zaviala
Peŭna doŭha ty dziciatka
Na vadzie liažala
Ŭziala maci ružu kvietku
Palažyla ŭ chacie
Dy jak hlianie ŭspaminaje
Ab svaim dziciaci
Jak vaźmu ja ružu kvietku
Dy pušču na vodu
Plyvi plyvi ruža kvietka
Da samoha brodu
Actual English translation:
As I take the rose flower
And let it float on the water
Float and float you rose flower
Down to the ford

Floated and floated the rose flower
And started spinning
The mother came to get water
and started wondering

Oh my rose flower
Why have you withered
It must have taken you too long, baby
To be floating on the water

The mother took the rose flower
And put it in the house
And as she looks at it, she remembers
Her own child

As I take the rose flower
And let it float on the water
Float and float you rose flower
Down to the ford
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