Rycarstva ŭsio syšlosia (Knights Have Gathered)
An excerpt from a knightly poem, 1585.
The words are by Andrzej Rymsza from his poem 'Dziesięćroczna powieść wojennych spraw... Krzysztofa Radziwiła...' ('The 10-year Narrative Of Military Actions Of Prince Krysztof Radzivill') printed in Vilnia in 1585, describes the events of 1580. The translation from Polish into Belarusian according to Andrzej Rymsza 'Dziesięćroczna powieść wojennych spraw'// Archiwum Literackie, 4. Miscellanea Staropolskie. T. XVI. Warszawa, 1972, is done by A. Dzitrych, who kindly provided it to Stary Olsa band. The music is from the printed sheet music 'Piesni Chwał Boskich' (Hymns for the Glory of God) by Jan Zaremba, 1558. The text and melody adaptation by Zmicier Sasnoŭski.
Andrzej Rymsza (about 1550–after 1595) – a famous Belarusian poet, who wrote his works in old Belarusian language and Polish language, was a founder of Belarusian literature of epicgram genre, he was also a professional military man, who took part in many battles and campaigns.
'Piesni Chwał Boskich' (Hymns for the Glory of God) or other name 'Brest Сantional') – first printed sheet music not only in Belarus but in the Eastern Europe. 'Brest Cantional' was compiled and released by Jan Zaremba at the Radzivills’ foundation in Brest in 1558 (re-released in Niasviž and Vilnia). Cantional along with various prayers, articles and instructions included one- and four-part psalms and canticles (about 100 songs, religious and secular), which became widespread in everyday life. The authors of the lyrics were famous poets of the 16th century: Andrzej Trzecieski, Szymon Zacius and Stanisław Semidelius Kazimirczyk. The music was composed by the composers Wacław z Szamotuł and Cyprian Bazylik. 38 songs that became a part of Addition to the 'Krakow Сontional' in 1559 stand for its authority and popularity.
Da kniazia Radzivila ŭ Sielišča Jamskoje
Kroŭ užo maskavitaŭ strumianiom lijecca
Skiemiŭšy toje litviny z koniej passiadali
Jak sviniej kaloli, u balocie tapili.
Trapiŭ u pastku da straĺcoŭ, da straĺcoŭ piarviejšych
Potym našych vieršnikaŭ na kaniach parubili.
Byŭ ža jašče zabity tam, rycar Jan Tyminski
Doŭh svoj Ajčynie addali rycarski ŭ hodnaj cnocie
Zviedali ran kryvavych, ciažkija mieli rany.
Za kroŭ zabitych litvinaŭ voraha pakarali
Ci pad udaram dzidy naviek uhamaniŭsia
Tam ža viazali u palon maskalia lichoha.
Slavu hierojam naviaki, honar im abiacaŭšy
Slavaju ich apošni šliach hodna azdabliala.
Prahnie ŭ siečy liutaj znoŭ maskoŭca spatkaci.