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Song-dance from the medieval mystery about Death, 15 c. Translated from Latin into Belarusian by Zmicier Sasnouski. Actual English translation by Alena Martsyanava and Volya Dzemka.

Ja uladarka nad žyvym,
Ja haspadynia nad usim,
Nad stalym i nad maladym
Uladu ja niasu.
Nidzie, nikoli, anichto
Sustrečy nie pazbiehnie toj,
Kali spatkajecca sa mnoj,
Kranie maju kasu.
Sa mnoj tancujcie kolami
I budziecie ŭsie roŭnymi,
Sviacicie noč pachodniami
Z panienkaju staroj.
Ci rana, a ci pozna vy
Zdarovyja ci chvoryja
Apošniu noč pad zorami
Sustreniecie sa mnoj.
Skačycie, hrešniki maje,
Chaj smutak vas paabminie,
Šukajcie iscinu ŭ vinie,
Hanicie preč spakoj!
Tancujcie jak apošni raz,
Žyccia pramień kab nie pahas!
Chto spynicca – skanaje ŭraz,
Zarublieny kasoj!
Actual English translation:
I am the Lady of all the living,
Over the great and small,
Over the old and young,
I bear the power.
No one, nowhere, ever
Will escape
An encounter with me
And the touch of my scythe.
Light the night up with torches,
Free your souls.

Spin in a wild circle dance
With the old Lady.
Sooner or later,
In health or in sickness,
The last night under the stars
You will spend with me.

Dance away my sinners,
The grief will disappear!
Drown your sorrow in wine,
Let go of your peace!
Dance as if it was your last dance,
For the fire of the soul would last!
Those who stop die at once,
Reaped by the scythe!
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