Prysviačennie rycaru A. Rymszu (Dedication to Knight A. Rymsza)
Panegyrical poesy, 1585.
The lyrics are by Jan Kozak, the Polish poet and translator, a good friend of a knight Andrzej Rymsza. This panegyric is included to titles of the poem 'Dziesięćroczna powieść wojennych spraw... Krzysztofa Radziwiła...' (10-year Narrative Of Military Actions Of Prince Krysztof Radziwill) of Andrzej Rymsza, 1585, and has a name of 'Dedication to Knight A. Rymsza'. The translation from Polish into Belarusian is by A. Dzitrych. The music is from the Polack Notebook (16-17th c.) The text and music adaptation is by Ilja Kublicki.
Jan Kazakovič (Kozak) Litvin – a Polish poet and a translator, one of the most prolific poets of Vilnia of the end of 16th–the beginning of 17th c., a good friend of Andrzej Rymsza.
Andrzej Rymsza (about 1550–after 1595) – a famous Belarusian poet, who wrote his works in old Belarusian language and Polish language, was a founder of Belarusian literature of epicgram genre, he was also a professional military man, who took part in many battles and campaigns.
Polack Notebook (other names – Astramečava Manuscript, The Manuscript of Jagellonian Library 127/56) – a collection of vocal and instrumental secular and sacred music contains music of the period from 1596 to 1680 and is kept in the Library of Krakow Jagellonian University. The most well known domestic music monument of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of 17th c. According to the latest researches this collection was completed in the monastery in Astramečava near Brest. In the private conversation Professor Adam Maĺdzis urged to promote the scientifically correct name 'Astramečava Manuscript'.
Chaj va ŭsim spryjaje,
Bo tvaja navuka i mianie zajmaje
I mianie zajmaje.
Sobskim paryvanniem
I ziamli sluhuješ praz knižok vydannie,
Praz knižok vydannie.
Pra jaho vykruty,
Što niasie i studzień, a za im i liuty,
A za im i liuty.
Vojny jak zavodziać,
I liudziam halovy boliem liutym zvodziać,
Boliem liutym zvodziać.
Miž palkoŭ litoŭskich,
Apiavaješ bitvy z voraham maskoŭskim,
Z voraham maskoŭskim.
Sycicca kryvioju,
I vojski razvodzić u baki miž boju,
U baki miž boju.
Čyniš napaminak,
Staršym daspadoby hetaki ŭčynak,
Hetaki ŭčynak.
Sionnia zaŭvažajem.
Budźma, vieršam pana my nie pahardžajem,
My nie pahardžajem.